January 2025
The exhibition dedicated to Corto and Pratt in De Chirico’s house, from 5 February in Volos
Corto Maltese in Volos, with the project promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Cong SA, taking Hugo Pratt's art around the world to promote Italian language and culture
Corto Maltese returns to Lyon, the exhibition at the Université Catholique de Lyon from 28th January
Lyon, the exhibition ‘Hugo Pratt, the legacy, the work, the biography’ at the Université Catholique de Lyon from 28th January until 21st march 2025
May 2024
Corto Maltese in the spotlight at Lyon BD Festival, alongside Canales and Pellejero
Lyon, the exhibition ‘Hugo Pratt, the legacy, the work, the biography’ at the Musée des Tissus from 31 May to 27 July 2024, and in June during the Lyon BD Festival, Canales and Pellejero will also be present
Hugo Pratt and Corto Maltese set course towards Athens for Comicdom2024, guests of the Italian Cultural Institute and Mikros Iros publishing
Coprto Maltese in Athens, the exhibition will be staged during the International Comics Festival, fifth step of the project promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Cong SA, taking Hugo Pratt's art around the world to promote Italian language and culture
April 2024
‘Hugo Pratt, the legacy, the artwork, the biography’: the exhibition organised with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs arrives in Canada
Corto Maltese in Canada, Hugo Pratt's art around the world to promote Italian language and culture
‘La BD à tous les étages’: comics arrive at the Centre Pompidou, and Corto Maltese is the literary hero of the Bibliothèque Publique in Paris
From 29 May to 4 November 2024, the exhibition "Corto Maltese, une vie romanesque" arrives at the Center Pompidou in Paris, within the exhibition "La BD à tous les étages", dedicated to the main characters of the last 60 years of the graphic novel
January 2024
‘Hugo Pratt, the heritage, the work, the biography’: the exhibition arrives at the Italian Cultural Institute in Oslo
The travelling exhibitions promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Cong SA continue, taking Hugo Pratt's art around the world to promote Italian language and culture
October 2023
“Hugo Pratt, the heritage, the work, the biography”: the itinerant exhibitions promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs begin
Hugo Pratt and Corto Maltese: with the Farnesina to [...]
September 2022
Extended! “Corto Maltese – Verso nuove rotte”: the exhibition arrives in Sardinia
“Corto Maltese, Verso nuove rotte”: after the success in Genoa, the exhibition arrives in Sardinia, as the journey begins again.
March 2022
EXTENDED! Exhibit “Hugo da Genova ai mari del Sud”: from October 14th in Genoa (Italy)
FROM OCTOBER 14TH 2021 TO MARCH 20TH 2022 Hugo [...]
March 2021
Hugo Pratt, the Lignes d’horizons exhibition at the Musée D’Aquitaine in Bordeaux
Hugo Pratt, Lignes d'horizons, the exhibition at the Musée [...]
September 2019
Exhibit Hugo Pratt beyond Corto Maltese: from September 27th in Denmark
Hugo Pratt beyond Corto Maltese (Hugo Pratt på sporet [...]
May 2019
Hugo Pratt, the path of dreams
An invitation to travel in Pratt’s dream labyrinth through his works. May 25th - January 5th, 2020, Fondation Folon.NEWS: the portuguese catalogue is now available.
Corto Maltese, An Extraordinary Journey
Corto Maltese, An Extraordinary Journey, from April 25th to September 9th, 2019, inside the National Archeologic Museum of Naples.
April 2019
Las nuevas aventuras de Corto Maltés de Pellejero y Canales
Exposición en el Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC). Barcelona, del 5 de abril hasta el 21 de abril de 2019
July 2018
Music performance, Corto Maltese the Ballad of the Salty Sea
Audiences won’t want to miss the chance to catch this swash-buckling adaptation of the original storyline where our dapper sailor meets the enigmatic character, Rasputin.
20/22 September 2018 – Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
June 2018
Hugo Pratt – Fondazione Cominelli
HUGO PRATT 19 tavole, una storia, esposte alla Fondazione [...]
May 2018
Le Corto Maltese de Rubén Pellejero et Juan Díaz Canales
Le Corto Maltese de Rubén Pellejero et Juan Díaz [...]
The Secret of Tristan Bantam and Rendez-vous in Bahia
The Secret of Tristan Bantam and Rendez-vous in Bahia [...]
April 2018
Exhibit Hugo Pratt – Lignes d’horizons
Exhibit Hugo Pratt - Lignes d’horizons An invitation to [...]
July 2017
Corto Maltese, conversation avec Irène
Corto Maltese, Conversation avec Irène. Une fable mystérieuse et [...]
Corto Maltese en Gare de Paris-Austerlitz
SNCF Gare & Connexions, en éntroite collaboration avec Casterman, [...]
Corto Maltese. Equatoria: prépublication dans le Figaro Magazine
Equatoria: prépublication dans le Figaro Magazine La [...]
April 2017
Tintin & Corto Maltese, regards croisés
Dans ce Hors Série GÉO dédié à Tintin de [...]
February 2017
L’intégrale de Corto Maltese avec LE SOIR
CORTO MALTESE L’intégrale en 16 albums couleurs, à collectionner [...]
October 2016
Hugo Pratt e Corto Maltese: 50 anni di viaggi nel mito
Dal 4 novembre al 19 marzo a Palazzo Pepoli [...]
August 2016
Pratt & Corto a Venezia
Dal 17 settembre al 23 ottobre 2016 al Palazzo Bufalini [...]
July 2016
Cinquant’anni di romanzi disegnati: da Hugo Pratt a Zerocalcare
Dal 16 luglio al 4 settembre 2016 al Castello Pasquini di [...]
April 2016
Hugo Pratt: Incontri e passaggi al Macro di Roma dal 29 aprile
Dal 29 aprile al 24 maggio 2016 al Macro di Roma. Napoli [...]
January 2016
Festival d’Angoulême 2016: Hugo Pratt
43° Festival d'Agouleme, du 28 au 31 Janvier 2016 L'exposition [...]
December 2015
NY Comics & Picture-Story Symposium
Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 7:00 pm The 139th [...]
November 2015
Corto Maltés. El tiempo de la aventura
Del 13 de noviembre al 17 de diciembre 2015 Apenas [...]
October 2015
Oltremare, di Marco Steiner
Il secondo romanzo con il giovane Corto Maltese del più stretto [...]
Hugo Pratt, Rencontres et passages
2 ottobre 2015 - 6 gennaio 2016 Mostra al Museo [...]
September 2015
Hommage à Hugo Pratt
Vingt ans de la disparition du père de Corto Maltese [...]
October 2014
Il ritorno di Corto Maltese
29 Ottobre 2014 «Non mi disturba l’idea che un giorno [...]
April 2014
Hugo Pratt, il segno dell’avventura
Hugo Pratt ritorna a Rimini per la prima volta con [...]
February 2014
Marco Steiner. Il corvo di Pietra
Le prime esperienze del giovane Corto Maltese. Il corvo di [...]
July 2013
Corto Maltese. Récits du monde, escales du temps
A special issue published by «L’Histoire et Marianne» and [...]
November 2012
L’avventura comincia qui
Corto Maltese esposizione a Malta al St James Cavalier Center of Creativity con patrocinio dell'Ambasciata di Francia a Malta
June 2012
Il marinaio e il fotografo
Museo degli Svizzeri nel Mondo, "Le marin et le photographe". Mostra di [...]
February 2012
Corto Maltese et les secrets de l’initiation
Dopo il grande successo della mostra "Le voyage imaginaire de [...]