Corto Maltese is back with ‘Tarowean’s Day’ all over the world
Inspired by Hugo Pratt work
Written by: Juan Díaz Canales
Drawn by: Rubén Pellejero
November 1st is Tarowean’s day, or, the day of surprises. Just like that, the surprise arrives on the first of November with the publication of the next of Corto Maltese’s adventures, drawn and written by Ruben Pellejero and Juan Diaz Canales.
The new story, the third realized by the two Spanish authors after Hugo Pratt’s death, is the prequel to “The Ballad of the Salty Sea.” “Tarowean’s Day” concludes with the iconic image of Corto tied to the raft, right where his millions of fans discovered him for the first time in 1967.
The ingredients found in the story remain the classical ones. In it we find the Pacific Ocean between the Borneo and New Caledonia, with its waves and its silences, we find a prince chased from his own island who lost his memory and his freedom, we find the Monk who will always remain the ruthless sovereign of his faithful subjects, we find a “girl from Amsterdam” who lost the use of her legs and now resembles a seductress siren, we undoubtedly find Rasputin who will take care of his own interests and profits with the honest cynicism of a good rogue.
Mixed between charming women and propitiatory rites, we find the star in question: Corto Maltese, who will even reach the point of getting engaged to a good woman wrongfully accused of a crime. Corto will not end up at the altar, as per the sailor’s contract and that of free citizen of the world, however, he will save the girl from an atrocious end. And just as everything seems to have turned out for the better, with a prince ready to step back onto his throne, Corto will have to face the mutiny of his ship’s crew, leading to his jump into the Pacific and onto the raft.
The storm of the day of surprises will be, from what can be foreseen, swept by naval mutinies, islands and tyrants, and ambitious monks. Rasputin, along with Pandora and Cain, will then arrive to save him, but this is yet another story.
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Denmark / Corto Maltese – Taroweans-dag
Efter Hugo Pratt
Forfatter : Juan Díaz Canales
Tegner: Rubén Pellejero
Siden udgivelsen af Balladen om det fordømte hav har millioner af læsere verden over undret sig over, hvilke omstændigheder der førte til, at Corto Maltese befandt sig bundet til en tømmerjlade, drivende rundt i Stillehavet ikke langt fra Øen Escondida …
Hvorfor gjorde besætningen mytteri mod deres kaptajn, Corto Maltese? Hvilke roller spillede Le Moine og Rasputin i dette eventyr?
Corto Maltese -Taroweans-dag afslører endelig det mest berømte mysterium i Stillehavet.
Faraos Cigarer
Sider: 88 farver
Format: 22,5 x 30,3 cm
Sprog: dansk
ISBN: 978-87-93766-21-1
248 dkk
At købe bogen: Faraos Cigarer

Portugal / Corto Maltese – Dia de Taroweans
Inspirado na obra de Hugo Pratt
Desenho: Rubén Pellejero
Tegner: Rubén Pellejero
Depois do aparecimento de A Balada do Mar Salgado, milhões de leitores por todo o mundo interrogam-se sobre as circunstâncias que levaram Corto Maltese a encontrar-se atado a uma jangada à deriva ao largo da ilha de La Escondida… Que crime terá cometido? Que papel desempenharam o Monge e Rasputine nesta Aventura? O Dia de Tarowean ergue finalmente o véu sobre o mais célebre mistério do Pacífico.
Editora: Arte de Autor
Páginas: 80 cores
Edição: Cartonada
Língua: portuguesa
ISBN: 978-989-54326-7-7
Preço: € 19,90

Εμπνευσμένο από το έργο του Hugo pratt
σενάριο: Juan Díaz Canales
σχέδια: Rubén Pellejero
Aπό τότε που εκδόθηκε Η Μπαλάντα Της Αλμυρής Θάλασσας, εκατομμύρια αναγνώστες σε όλο τον κόσμο αναρωτιούνται υπό ποιες συνθήκες κατέληξε ο Κόρτο Μαλτέζε δεμένος σε μια σχεδία, στο έλεος των κυμάτων, κοντά στη νήσο «Εσκοντίδα». Τι έγκλημα μπορεί να διέπραξε για να βρεθεί σε τέτοια κατάσταση; Τι ρόλο παίζουν ο «Μοναχός» και ο Ρασπούτιν σ’ αυτή την περιπέτεια; Η Μέρα Της Ταροβεάν μας αποκαλύπτει επιτέλους το πιο διαβόητο μυστήριο του Ειρηνικού.
Ο Juan Díaz Canales (δημιουργός του ιδιωτικού ντετέκτιβ Blacksad, τιμήθηκε με το Εθνικό Βραβείο Κόμικς της Ισπανίας το 2014 για το Blacksad: Amarillo, το πέμπτο βιβλίο της σειράς) και ο Rubén Pellejero (σκιτσογράφος του Dieter Lumpen – Οι Περιπέτειες Του Dieter Lumpen) μας αποκαλύπτουν στη νέα αυτή περιπέτεια ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα αινίγματα του χαρισματικού ναυτικού, που δημιούργησε το 1967 ο Ούγκο Πρατ.
Mikros Iros
Σελίδες: 84 χρώμα
Μέγεθος: χαρτόνι
Γλώσσα: Ελληνικά
ISBN: 9786185362492
€ 19,90