Available on 8th November, 2019 / À venda a 8 de Novembro nas livrarias

November 1st is Tarowean’s day, or, the day of surprises. Just like that, the surprise arrives on the first of November with the publication of the next of Corto Maltese’s adventures, drawn and written by Ruben Pellejero and Juan Diaz Canales.

The new story, the third realized by the two Spanish authors after Hugo Pratt’s death, is the prequel to “The Ballad of the Salty Sea.” “Tarowean’s Day” concludes with the iconic image of Corto tied to the raft, right where his millions of fans discovered him for the first time in 1967.

Depois do aparecimento de A Balada do Mar Salgado, milhões de leitores por todo o mundo interrogam-se sobre as circunstâncias que levaram Corto Maltese a encontrar-se atado a uma jangada à deriva ao largo da ilha de La Escondida… Que crime terá cometido? Que papel desempenharam o Monge e Rasputine nesta Aventura? O Dia de Tarowean ergue finalmente o véu sobre o mais célebre mistério do Pacífico.